October 31, 2008


SEARCHING for what she cannot find. For her own peace of mind. She cannot forgive nor forget the past. These ineffable feelings and hurt that lasts evermore.

Do not enthrall yourself. Let the penance begin. You have got to open your heart to see the confinement.

It seems so futile, forgiveness, your freedom, the present state of veniality.

Bewail the truth, the face of fate and conquer all the past. Search for the light, and then you will find your own peace of mind.

* Inspired from Simone Johanna Maria Simons.

October 23, 2008

Misty Part III: Bila Aku Mati Part II (Can’t Fight Your Desire)

“Bila aku mati, andai dia tiada menangis hiba. Sampaikan kepada dia janganlah pula dia ketawa.”

October 10, 2008

Misty Part II: Bila Aku Mati (From Here To Eternity)

“Bila aku mati, kuburkan aku dalam-dalam. Tinggalkan gambarnya di atas kepala aku. Dan sampaikan kepada dia bahawa aku telah tenggelam.”

“Bila aku mati, mintakan nota April pertamanya. Selitkan di genggaman aku. Dan sampaikan kepada dia bahawa aku masih menggenggam kata.”

“Mungkin pada mereka aku tiada sebaik dia. Sampaikan kepada dia, sesungguhnya aku telah memberikan dia yang terbaik segala-gala.”


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